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第一章 总则
第一条 国际健康产业联盟(下称联盟),英文名称:International Union of Health Industry 缩写:HU(Health Union)。
第二条 联盟性质:联盟由在世界范围从事健康产业研究、开发、生产、销售、服务等领域的知名企业及个人、政府机构、民间组织、公益组织、媒体等自愿组成,是一个集联合性、专业性和行业性于一体的行业性组织。
第三条 联盟目标:营造建立健康有序、可持续的产业经济环境,提升健康产业整体市场品质及形象。
第四条 联盟宗旨:凝聚联盟内各成员的共识,为行业共同利益服务。打造以产、学、研、服务多赢的产业平台,整合优质资源,积极开展国际间学术技术交流,不断完善业内品类标准,提升产品及服务品质,提高行业整体能力,加强行业内外跨界合作,提供法律、金融、专利、技术转让等领域服务,促进成员间资源共享、互惠互利,推动政府制定有利于产业发展的重大政策,提升联盟会员的群体竞争力。
第二章 联盟的主要任务
第五条 发挥产业自律职能,向政府有关部门反映联盟成员的意见和建议,争取成员稳定的生存空间和更广阔的发展空间、维护成员的合法权益,担任政府和行业企业之间的纽带和协调职能。
第六条 营建行业文化,建立联盟内成员之间互相尊重、公平竞争、优势互补、共同发展的环境。
第七条 共同丰富、完善、提升产业发展所需的相关技术及标准,定期举办联盟内的信息交流、研讨、服务等活动。成为联盟会员之间共享信息、培训、教育、交流、合作的平台,促进产业、社会资源的有效利用,协助联盟会员解决发展中遇到的问题。
第八条 开展健康教育领域活动,培养科学正确的养生价值观,促进市场蓬勃发展。
第九条 透过媒体平台,提升联盟影响力,向社会推荐联盟企业,实现在联盟成员内优先采购和选用。营造成员沟通、学习的平台,提升联盟成员在企业运营、研究开发、生产制造、咨询服务的整体水平;促进联盟成员单位与行业外在产品、技术、方案、服务的合作,推动完善产业链和产业发展环境。
第十条 保护联盟内各企业的专利、著作权、商标、商业秘密等知识产权,对外解决贸易摩擦和贸易壁垒。
第十一条 开展有助于HU相关产业发展的公益事业。
第三章 组织机构和职责
第十二条 联盟的组织架构:
(一) 联盟大会为联盟的最高决策机构,指导联盟开展工作,决定联盟重大事物。联盟大会每年召开一次会议,特殊情况的可通过通讯方式召开。联盟大会的职责是:
1. 批准联盟章程的修改;
2. 审议批准联盟年度工作报告;
3. 审议批准年度财务预、决算报告;
4. 决定联盟的变更和终止;
5. 审议批准理事会提交的其他报告;
(二) 理事会是联盟大会的执行机构,对联盟大会负责。理事会的职责是:
1. 向联盟大会提交修改联盟章程的决议;
2. 解释联盟章程;
3. 执行联盟大会决议;
4. 拟定联盟年度工作报告;
5. 制定年度财务预、决算报告;
6. 决定联盟成员、会员的加入和除名;
7. 听取和审议秘书处、各工作组工作报告;
8. 审议、批准和修改联盟的基本管理制度;
9. 向联盟大会提交变更或终止联盟的决议;
10. 决定秘书处内部机构的设立及撤销;
11. 讨论和决定其他重大事项;
第十三条 联盟秘书处负责日常工作,对联盟大会负责。秘书处设秘书长一名,副秘书长若干名。
(一) 秘书处的职责是:
1. 执行联盟大会决议,负责组织、管理、协调联盟的各项工作;
2. 负责联盟大会会议的筹备和召开;
3. 起草联盟年度工作报告;
4. 起草年度财务预、决算报告;
5. 负责受理加入联盟的申请,对申请单位资格进行初步审查;
6. 依据联盟有关制度提议除名违规联盟会员及受理联盟会员退出联盟的申请;
7. 联盟大会交办的其他事项;
(二) 联盟秘书长行使下列职责:
1. 主持联盟秘书处日常工作,组织实施工作计划,监督工作进展情况;
2. 提名副秘书长并报理事会审议;
3. 召集和主持联盟理事会会议;
4. 代表本联盟签署有关重要文件和参加各种重大活动;
第四章 加盟条件
第十四条 申请加入联盟的会员,必须具备下列条件:
(一) 诚信经营的独立法人单位,在行业内处于领先地位;
(二) 热衷于推动健康产业各项标准的发展;
(三) 拥护本联盟的章程,履行本联盟的各项义务;
第五章 加盟程序
第十五条 申请加入联盟的程序:
(一) 填写《国际健康产业联盟申请表》,提交营业执照、组织机构代码证和法人代表身份证明的复印件;
(二) 秘书处初审后报理事会常务理事会审议;
(三) 经理事会授权、秘书处可审批新会员,并报请下次理事会会议确认;
第六章 联盟会员的权利
第十六条 联盟成员平等享有联盟章程规定的各项权利:
(一) 参加联盟大会会议,参与讨论和表决与联盟发展有关的重大决策、决议和事项;
(二) 向秘书长提议召开联盟大会临时会议,对联盟秘书处工作提出建议、意见并进行监督;
(三) 委派代表参加秘书处;
(四) 优先与联盟内其他成员协作;
(五) 质询联盟财务收支状况;
(六) 参加联盟定期和不定期举行的信息沟通与学术交流、培训等活动;
(七) 享有联盟成员专利;
(八) 有退出联盟的自由;
第七章 联盟成员的义务
第十七条 联盟成员应履行联盟章程规定的各项义务:
(一) 承认并遵守联盟章程,执行联盟决议,遵守行规行约;
(二) 签署适用于成员的有关知识产权声明,联盟成员须按统一格式在其宣传资料的显著位置标注联盟徽标和名称。相关联盟的知识产权政策及协议根据具体项目进一步讨论完成;
(三) 认可并支持技术与标准、致力于推动HU产业发展;
(四) 在HU领域的研究、开发、制造、服务等方面进行实质性投入,主动按照各自单位的特点在产业链上协作,积极推动产业化的进程;
(五) 在HU领域的研究、开发、制造、服务过程中,积极申请并维护相关专利;
(六) 按时、足额交纳联盟会费;
(七) 应秘书处的邀请派代表参加秘书处的工作,并承担联盟委托的工作,积极支持和参加联盟举办的各项活动,推荐联盟新成员;
(八) 保守联盟商业秘密;
第八章 退出和除名
第十八条 对于背离国际健康产业联盟宗旨,违反本章程中的义务规定条款并协商无效的成员,经秘书处核实,提交联盟大会审议决定除名。联盟成员被除名的,已交纳的会费不予返还,并通报联盟所有成员,停止其一切联盟内部活动。联盟成员除名后两年内不得申请重新加入联盟。
第九章 经费的管理和使用
第十九条 经费来源
(一) 联盟理事长单位会费为每年拾万元人民币,联盟理事单位会员为每年伍万元人民币,企业会员单位会费为每年壹万元人民币;
(二) 会员培训、认证费用
(三) 论坛及其其他活动赞助费用;
(四) 其他收入;
第二十条 经费支出
(一) 联盟秘书处所需的管理费用支出;
(二) 联盟举办各项活动支出;
(三) 其他与联盟有关的支出;
第二十一条 联盟应建立严格的财务管理制度,保证会计体系合法、真实、完整,并接受联盟大会的监督。
第二十二条 联盟成员派到联盟工作人员的工资、保险及福利待遇,由所在联盟成员承担。外聘人员的工资、保险及福利待遇,由联盟承担并按照国家有关规定执行。
第十章 联盟终止
第二十三条 联盟自行解散,或由于分立、合并等原因需要终止的,由秘书处提出终止建议,并提交联盟大会表决通过后即行终止。
第二十四条 联盟终止前,须按有关规定成立清算组织,清理债权债务,处理善后事宜。清算期间,不开展清算以外的活动。
第二十五条 联盟终止后的剩余财产,由联盟大会依法决议。
第十一章 其他
第二十六条 本章程未尽事宜条款,经理事会审议通过后,可对本章程进行补充或修正。
第二十七条 本章程由联盟成立大会讨论通过后,由联盟发起单位的法定代表或授权代表签字后生效。
第二十八条 本章程解释权归联盟秘书处所有。
Constitution Of International Union of Health Industry
Chapter I General Provisions
cms_article 1 International Union of Health Industry (hereinafter referred to as Union), Abbreviation: HU (Health Union).
cms_article 2 Union Property: the Union is voluntarily established by well-known enterprises, individuals, government agencies, nongovernmental organizations, public organizations and the media that engaged in the research, development, production, sales and service of health industry worldwide, which is also an industry organization that integrated combination, specialty and industry.
cms_article 3 Union Goal: To create a healthy, orderly and sustainable industrial economy environment, and enhance overall market quality as well as image of the health industry.
cms_article 4 Union Mission: Integrate consensus of the members within the Union, service for the common interests of the industry. Build a industry platform with the multi-win of industry-teaching-research-service, integrate quality resources, and actively carry out international academic and technological exchanges to constantly improve the industry category standards, product and service quality, and the industry overall capacity as well as strengthen cross-boundary cooperation to provide services relating law, finance, patents and technology transfer, promote the sharing of resources and mutual benefit and drive the government to formulate major policies in favor of industrial development so as to enhance the group competitiveness.
Chapter Two Main tasks of the Union
cms_article 5 Play the industrial self-discipline function, reflect to the relevant government departments about the views and recommendations of Union members, and strive for the stable living space and a broader development space in the sake of members, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of members, functions as a tie between the government and enterprises.
cms_article 6 Construct industry culture, establish mutual respect, fair competition, complementary advantages and common development environment between members within the Union.
cms_article 7 Enrich, perfect and improve the related technologies and standards required for industrial development together, organize activities relating information exchange, research and service regularly to make this Union a platform for the sharing of information, training, education, communication and cooperation so as to promote the effective use of industrial and social resources and to assist members with problems encountered in the development.
cms_article 8 Carry out health education activities to develop scientifically health value and promote the market to flourish.
cms_article 9 Enhance the Union influence through the media platform and recommend this Union to the society, so as to achieve preferential procurement and selection of members within the Union. Create a platform for members’ communication and learning, to enhance their overall level in the field of enterprise operation, research and development, manufacturing and advisory services; promote the cooperation between members and other companies in products, technologies, solutions and services, as well as to improve the industrial chain and industrial development environment.
cms_article 10 Protect the intellectual properties of member enterprises, including patents, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets, solve trade frictions and trade barriers.
cms_article 11 Conduct public welfare establishments contribute to the development of HU related industries
Chapter Three Organization and Responsibilities
cms_article 12 Organization and Responsibilities of Union
(A) Union Assembly is the highest decision-making body of the Union to guide the work conduction and makes decisions on major matters. Union Assembly is held once a year, which can also be convened under special circumstances by means of communication. The responsibilities of Union Assembly are as follows:
1. To approve the modifications Union constitution;
2. To consider and approve the annual work report of the Union;
3. To consider and approve the annual financial budgets and final accounts report;
4. To decide the changes and termination of the Union;
5. To consider and approve other reports presented by the Council;
(B) Council is the executive body of the Union Assembly, responsible for the Union. The responsibilities of council are as follows:
1. To submit resolution regarding Union constitution amendment to Union Assembly;
2. To explain Union constitution;
3. To implement the resolutions of Union Assembly;
4. To prepare the annual work report of the Union;
5. To formulate annual financial budgets and final accounts report;
6. To decide the join and removal of Union members;
7. To listen to and consider the work report of the Secretariat and working groups;
8. To consider, approve and modify the basic management system of Union;
9. To present relations regarding the change or termination of Union to the Union Assembly;
10. To decides the establishment and revocation of the internal organizations of Secretariat within the organization;
11. To discuss and decide other important matters.
cms_article 13 Union secretariat is responsible for the daily work of the Union Assembly and responsible for the Union Assembly. A Secretary-General and several of deputy secretary-generals are set up.
(A) The functions of the Secretariat are as follows:
1. To implement the resolutions of Union Assembly, responsible for organizing, managing and coordinating the work of the Union;
2. Responsible for the preparation and convening of Union Conference;
3. Draft Union annual work report;
4. Draft the annual financial budgets and final accounts report;
5. Responsible for the applications of joining the Union, and conducts preliminary examination on the applicants qualification;
6. According to related systems, propose to remove the violated members out of the Union and responsible for the applications for withdrawal;
7. Other matters assigned by the Union Assembly;
(B) The Union Secretary-General shall exercise the following duties:
1. Preside over the daily work at Union secretariat, organize and implement the work plan, monitor the work progress;
2. Nominate Deputy Secretary-General and submit it to the Council for consideration;
3. Convene and preside over the Union Council meeting;
4. Sign important documents and participate in a variety of major events on behalf of the Union.
Chapter Four Join conditions
cms_article 14 The following conditions have to be qualified for companies applying to join the Union:
(1) Independent legal entity operating in good faith, and occupies in a leading position in the industry;
(2) Be enthusiastic about promoting the development of healthy industry standards;
(3) Support the Constitution of the Union to fulfill obligations;
Chapter Five Join Procedure
cms_article 15 Procedures for Union join application:
(1) Fill out the "Application Form for International Health Industry Union", submit business license, organization code certificate and copy of legal representative’s ID;
(2) After the first view by secretariat, report to the Council for consideration;
(3) With the authorization of the Board, the Secretariat can approve new members, and report to the next meeting of the Council for confirmation;
Chapter Six Rights of Union Members
cms_article 16 Union members enjoy equal rights provided by the Constitution of the Union:
(1) Participate in the Union Assembly meeting, and participate in discussions and voting for major decisions, resolutions and matters relating to the Union development;
(2) Propose to the Secretary General to have a interim meeting of Union Assembly, propose suggestions and opinions on the work of the Secretariat and conduct oversight;
(3) Appoint representatives to participate in the Secretariat;
(4) Enjoy the priority to collaborate with other members within the Union;
(5) Address inquires to the Union financial status;
(6) Participate in the regular and irregular information communication and academic exchanges, training and other activities held by Union;
(7) Enjoy the Union members’ patents.
(8) Enjoy the right of using International Health Industrial Alliance
(9) Enjoy the right to use the logo of HU
(10) Enjoy the service that Union website provided of free publishing of related information (publishing content is subject to the members shared column and subject);
(11)Participate in the trainings, seminars, social clubs, exhibitions and forums that organized by the Union;
(12) Have the freedom of withdraw from the Union;
Chapter Seven Obligations of Union members
cms_article 17 Union members should fulfill their obligations under the cms_articles of association of the Union:
(1) Acknowledge and comply with Union regulations, implement the Union resolutions and comply with rules;
(2) Sign on the intellectual property declaration applies to Union members, and the members shall sign the Union’s logo and name in the marked position in unified format. Related intellectual property policy and agreement shall be discussed further in accordance with the specific project;
(3) Recognize and support technology and standards, be committed to promoting the development of HU industry;
(4) Conduct substantive input in the research, development, manufacturing and services of HU field to actively promote the process of industrialization in accordance with the characteristics of each unit;
(5) Relevant patents should be actively applied and maintained during the process of research, development, manufacturing and service of HU field;
(6) Pay the Union dues timely;
(7) Send representatives to participate in the work of the Secretariat upon the invitation of Secretariat, and bear the work Union commissioned, actively support and participate in various activities organized by the Union, recommend new members;
(8) Keep the Union business secrets.
Chapter Eight Withdrawal and removal
cms_article 18 For members that have departed from the purpose of HU and in violation of the Constitution and its obligations, the members should be removed after verified by Secretariat, as well as the review and resolution of Union Assembly. The paid dues shall not be returned, and inform all members of the Union to stop all of their activities within the Union. The removed members shall not reapply for joining within two years.
Chapter Nine Management and usage of fund
cms_article 19Source of funding
(1) The dues for Union president unit is 100,000 Yuan each year, the dues for Union council unit is 50,000 Yuan each year, and the dues for Union enterprise unit is 10,000 Yuan each year;
(2) Members of training and certification costs
(3) Forum and other activities sponsorship;
(4) Other income;
cms_article 20 Expenditure
(1) Management expenses required to Secretariat;
(2) Union organized activities expenditures;
(3) Other expenses related to the Alliance;
cms_article 21 Union should establish a strict system of financial management, to ensure the accounting system is legitimate, true and complete, which should be supervised by the Union Assembly.
cms_article 22 The salaries, insurance and benefits to the staff that members assigned to the Union shall be borne by members. Salaries, insurance and benefits of external staff are paid by the Union in accordance with relevant national regulations.
Chapter Ten Union Termination
cms_article 23 The Union’s voluntary dissolution or the termination due to separation or merger shall be raised by the Secretariat and be submitted to the Union Assembly for voting.
cms_article 24 Before the Union termination, a liquidation organization should be established subject to the relevant provisions to settle claims and debts, and deal with the aftermath. During the liquidation period, activities other than liquidation should not be carried out.
cms_article 25 The remaining property after the termination of the Union shall be dealt with according to the Union Assembly resolutions.
Chapter Eleven Other
cms_article 26 Unfinished matters relating to the provisions of this Constitution may be supplemented after the deliberation and approval by the Council.
cms_article 27 After the discussion and pass of this Constitution, it shall come into effect with the signature of legal representative or authorized representative of initiated units.
cms_article 28 The interpretation of this Constitution is reserved by Union Secretariat.