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郭林新气功强调病患者走向大自然,通过自身锻炼康复疾病。郭林新气功功法简练,功理科学。以行功为主,风呼吸为特色。吐音功是战胜癌症的王牌。 郭林女士, “新气功疗法” 的创始人,北京画院的画家,原名林妹姝。 由于郭林本人患了癌症,6次手术,仍不得愈,走到了濒临死亡的边缘,为了自救,她捡起了儿时从祖父那里学到的“古气功”,去粗取精,去伪存真并结合自学中医、西医知识,大胆改革,终于创编了“新气功疗法”。 她成功地拯救了自己。她的学生们尊称这套功法为 «郭林新气功»。
General picture of Guolinxinqigong
Guolinxinqigong stresses that people should be close to nature and get well by practice and exercise. Guolinxinqigong is easy to learn. Ambulation is primary. Wind-breath is a special way of Guolinxinqigong. Exhale-vocalization is the trump for treating cancer patients. Guolin — initiator of Xinqigong Therapy. She was a teacher at the Beijing Art Academy. Ms. Guolin created Xinqigong Therapy because she got cancer. Six surgeries for her tumors brought her no help. She was close to death. To save herself, she returned to the practice of Qigong that she learned from her grandfather when she was a little girl. She accepted some ways of old Qigong and studied Chinese medicine and western medicine by herself. Ms. Guolin innovated the traditions of qigong and developed a new treatment for resisting cancer. Finally, Ms. Guolin was successful in saving herself.
Guolinxinqigong helps cancer patients a lot for getting well. It helps cases like lung cancer, liver cancer, intestinal cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, leukemia and other cancers. It has good curative effect for coronary disease like hypertension, cardiopathy; as well as for diabetes, hepatitis, nephritis, lupus erythematosus, glaucoma and many other kinds of chronic illness.
1983年在北京成立了“郭林新气功研究会”。郭林老师亲自任会长。成千上万的癌症病人涌来, 成功病例不断增多,此功法的抗癌作用渐趋成熟。从1971年郭林新气功走上社会到现在已逾40多年,由于功效显着,受到普遍欢迎。 1998年被国家体育总局认定为全民“健身气功功法”。 郭林新气功已传播到全中国,并且也传播到美国、日本、德国、加拿大、澳大利亚、俄罗斯、新加坡、马来西亚以及港、澳、台等地。
In 1983, the Guolinxinqigong Association was founded in Beijing. Ms. Guolin was the chairman. Thousands and thousands cancer patients came and successful cases increased. Through practice the effect of anti-cancer of Guolinxinqigong gradually became mature.
Because of its good curative effect, Guolinxinqigong has become popular. In 1998, China confirmed Guolinxinqigong as a way to do exercise for people’s heath. Guolinxinqigong has spread abroad to the US, Japan, Germany, Canada, Australia, Russia, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan.